🌈 Rainbows and salts

We are under attack!

a guy coming to help for revealing passwords from hashesh
An old-aged hacker uncle offering help to our young bad guy

An old experienced hacker has offered to help our young bad guy in getting access to our compromised database's user accounts. The young guy asks, "the passwords are hashed, how can I get the actual clear-text password?"

Let's see how these bad guys can access our passwords.

Brute-force attack

Attacker's brute-force successful
Attacker's brute-force successful

The most straightforward way is to pass every combination of possible password to the same hash function that was used when we stored them to db for the first time. During brute-force, if any of the hash output matches to the stored hash, then that input string combination to the hash function will be the user's password.

Soon, the bad guys realised that the brute-force approach is taking too much time to find even one correct password. For passwords greater than five characters, it could take weeks (based on late 90s processor, we'll talk about modern processors in the next lesson). So, they started searching for better attacking methods.

🌈 Rainbow tables

Cryptologists (people who study cryptography deeply) thought about an amazing idea to crack passwords. They suggested that hash values of tons of passwords can be calculated and stored in a database. Then instead of doing expensive brute-force, the database can be queried to find the required hash value. If the hash is found in the database then, we will know the clear-text password.

But passwords can have billions of possible character combinations, storing hashes for all of them was not feasible. So, a specific type of structure for storage of these pre-computed hash was developed in the early 2000s, and it was called as a rainbow table.

rainbow table illustration
A rainbow table

In a rainbow table, hash values of all password combinations are not stored. Only a set of combinations are stored. Then depending on the pattern of the required hash, more combinations of (password, hash) get computed. Rainbow tables are a middle ground between full brute-force and a huge huge pre-computed database. Rainbow tables reduces the brute-force time by selectively brute-forcing only some set of (password, hash) combinations.

Going any deeper than this into rainbow tables is not worth it for we developers. Also, I don't understand all the details of how the math works out. It's for cryptography experts to scratch all those layers.

For all of our developer's practical purposes, we can think of a rainbow table as pre-computed list of lots and lots of possible password and its hash combination. Rainbow tables proved so powerful during the early 2000s that they allowed cracking many hashed passwords in seconds!

🧂 Mitigating the attack with help of salt

We are fed up of those bad guys. Let us push them away with our salt!

Before the password get hashed, a very random set of characters gets appended (or can be prepended as well) to the password, that's called the salt. Then the concatnation of password + salt gets sent to the hashing function. The hash output and the salt both gets stored in the database.

For every's user password a new random salt is generated, appended to their password, passed to the hash function, finally, hash and the corresponding salt both get stored in the database.

Now, how will user authentication work in this case?

storing of cryptographic salt illustration
Account creation and authentication process when salt is in the game!

Since the salt is stored in the database along with the hash. When we want to check whether the user entered the correct password, we query the user's salt from the database via username then we take the user entered password and then we pass user entered password + salt to the hash function. If the hash comes out to be same, that means the user entered the correct password.

Ummm, but how does a salt prevent against rainbow table attacks?

how salt prevents rainbow table attacks illustration
Salt preventing the rainbow table attack!

We learned that rainbow tables were pre-computed list of lots of possible passwords and their hash values. When a salt is added to a password, all the pre-computed (password, hash) combinations of rainbow table become useless.

For example, a rainbow table might have greatapples's hash. Now when the random salt got added to the password greatapples, the output hash changed completely. So, this new hash doesn't get found in the rainbow table. Because when the rainbow table was created they could not take into account this salt as this salt got randomly generated.

And yes the salt is stored in the database. Attacker can access the salt if the database gets compromised, that's correct.

But if the attacker wants to crack the salted password, he will need to take the salt from the db, and generate a new list of (password + salt, hash) combinations. This means for every user's password, the attacker will need to generate a new rainbow table by taking that user's salt and re-computing all the (password + salt, hash) combinations.

            This is how the attacker will attack the salted passwords.

            For username_1:
            1) Access the salt: salt_1
            2) Compute: hash(password1 + salt_1) = hash_value_1
            3) Compute: hash(password2 + salt_1) = hash_value_2
            4) Compute: hash(password3 + salt_1) = hash_value_3

            For username_2:
            1) Access the salt: salt_2
            2) Compute: hash(password1 + salt_2) = hash_value_100
            3) Compute: hash(password2 + salt_2) = hash_value_102
            4) Compute: hash(password3 + salt_2) = hash_value_103

            For username_3:
            1) Access the salt: salt_3
            2) Compute: hash(password1 + salt_3) = hash_value_10001
            3) Compute: hash(password2 + salt_3) = hash_value_10002
            4) Compute: hash(password3 + salt_3) = hash_value_10003

So, the salt forced the attacker to basically brute-force each user's password! For the attacker, it's going to be too damn time-consuming to be worth it.

From 2004 onwards, GPUs started becoming powerful. GPUs could run thousands of parallel tasks. Let us defend against this final attack!

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